
New Parent Information

Parental involvement is encouraged within the College, particularly in the Primary School where parents can be involved in helping out in the classroom as well as in the Library.

Volunteers are always welcomed in the Library, where parents can help with covering books, reading to children and taking part in the creation of the displays which make our Library such a special place for all the children.

In each Grade in the College the parents contribute to community by being involved in the 'Grade Parent' system. This is where some parents are chosen to be the Grade Parents for the year and usually organise some social events for parents and/or students.

Portal Access

The College runs an Administration Software package which incorporates both Student and Parent Portals.

On these portals there are daily notices, letters, student diary, timetables, homework, weekly College Newsletter and much more. The Student Portal is called  and the Parent Portal is called .

Access is given to students and parents upon enrolment. These portals are an essential part of our Administration system and communication to Parents and Students.

The Enrolment Information Form is submitted just prior to the student commencing their enrolment at the College.


Our Enrolment Handbooks contain lots of helpful information for you and your child as they begin school at GPCC. They include information about curriculum, homework, health and wellbeing, stationery requirements, uniform policy, pick up and drop off procedures, and much more. 


Primary School

Start of Day: 8:45am
Recess: 11:00 - 11:30am (Students eat together under supervision for 5 minutes then play for 25 minutes)
Lunch: 1:00 - 1:45pm (Students eat together for 10 minutes then play for 35 minutes)
End of Day: 3:15pm

  • Students are permitted on campus from 8:20am

Secondary School

Start of Day: 8:45am
Recess: 10:10 - 10:35am (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri), 10:40 - 11:00am (Wed)
Lunch: 12:40pm - 1:20pm (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri), 12:45pm - 1:25pm (Wed)
End of Day: 3:15pm

  • Secondary School operates with a 2-week cycle – Red Week and Blue Week. 
  • Students are permitted on campus from 8:20am

 (including Secondary periods)


At the College we endeavour to keep a safe environment for parents, students and staff, especially in our busy bus bay, parking and drop off areas.

The College has developed detailed plans to enable safe access to our grounds.


The Messenger is the weekly newsletter to parents and carers highlighting what is coming up for the week or term ahead. 

The Messenger is emailed to all parents/carers on a Friday afternoon in preparation for the next week. It is also available on the , in the Parent Lounge, and is shared on the College social media platforms. 

The Messenger archive can be accessed from the newsletter menu, or on the .

A short video is available to help learn the newsletter platform.